A Very Proper Tea Party with Dame Mary Berry | Calm Sleep Story + #teASMR

Calm ⋯ A Very Proper Tea Party With Dame Mary Berry

Soundscape / Immersive

Calm ⋯ A Very Proper Tea Party With Dame Mary Berry

Join Dame Mary Berry for A Very Proper Tea Party in Calm's very scrumptious Sleep Story. To celebrate, Calm have combined the wonder of afternoon tea with the soothing magic of ASMR to bring you... #teASMR.

For this launch film for the new Calm sleep story featuring Mary Berry, the agency wanted to create a sensually exciting ASMR video to take the viewer into the sonic atmosphere of an English country garden. We sent a location recording team to the shoot to nimbly capture close mic'd ASMR-ready sound, then handed the files to our ASMR experts to mix and finish.

Listen to A Very Proper Tea Party on Calm


Location recording, sound design and ASMR Mix


Agency - Jellyfish
Location Sound - Daniel Leigh
Sound Design - Audio Commune